13 Minute Manager
Depending on your service provider, you may have either prepaid service or Minute Manager.
Check with your service provider to determine which of these services, if any, applies to you.
If you have prepaid service, disregard this chapter and see “Prepaid services” on page 40 for
more information.
With Minute Manager service, you cap monthly spending of cellular service. This section
describes how you can use your Minute Manager menu to manage your cellular account.
Contact your service provider for more information on Minute Manager service.
Note: The actual invoice for calls and services from your service provider may vary,
depending upon network features, rounding-off for billing, taxes, and so forth.
My charges
You can view the current charges for all calls made this billing cycle, or you can view the
charge for the last call you made. This information is approximate. The actual charges and
minutes will be listed on your monthly bill.
From the menus, select Minute Mgr. > My calls > My charges.
Select either Current or My last call.
Note: If you exceed your Minute Manager limit, calls may only be possible to the
emergency number programmed into your phone (for example, 911 or other official
emergency number). You can also call 611 and the customer service number for your
Minute Manager account.